1 Kings 3:15
“And Solomon awoke and realised it had all been a dream.”
I find it rather intriguing that Solomon’s greatness and prosperity all began with a dream. Indeed, every great thing starts with an idea.
As I prepared to write this message yesterday, I saw a video of the possible dynamics of post covid19 air travel; and I knew somebody had dared to dream.
Dreams are powerful, and it is important for you to keep your dreams alive until they become a reality. Here is why:
— Dreams are the driving force to great achievement. (Gen 37:19)
Nobody ever becomes great without a compelling dream. We see all time examples of this fact in the biblical character Joseph and America’s Martin Luther among others.
— Dreams propel you forward in the face of great obstacles.
Joseph kept going inspite of being betrayed, rejected and even falsely accused. His dream was stronger than the obstacles he was confronted with. He was simply unstoppable.
— Dreams can preserve and guide you through imminent danger.(Matt 2:13)
Jesus’ early days on earth was guided and preserved mainly through the dreams his father Joseph had.
Dear friend, I pray that the Holy Spirit will birth in you dreams and visions that will transcend covid 19. The Bible says, where there is no vision, the people perish (Prov 29: 18).
You will not perish with this virus because there is a great vision you must accomplish here on earth before your demise
Dare to dream!
Further reading : Matt 2 :10-15.